Friday, March 06, 2009

Friday is the Blessing Day

Friday has many distinguishing features and virtues that Allah SWT has bestowed upon this day and not others. Friday is the day of great blessings for Muslims. And for non-muslims as well,...ever heard of TGIF- Thank God its Friday. Well, most of the people get paid on Fridays, yes they get their pay-checks on Fridays and that's why its kind of a blessed and most desired day for everyone. SubhanAllah even non muslims wait anxiously for the blessed day of Friday.

Friday has many distinguishing features and virtues that Allah SWT has bestowed upon this day and not others. Friday is the day of great blessings for Muslims. And for non-muslims as well,...ever heard of TGIF- Thank God its Friday. Well, most of the people get paid on Fridays, yes they get their pay-checks on Fridays and that's why its kind of a blessed and most desired day for everyone. SubhanAllah even non muslims wait anxiously for the blessed day of Friday.

Friday prayers are mandatory for Muslims. Muslims prepare for Friday prayers like its a day of Eid or great Happiness. A happiness so profound that Jews and Christians cant even imagine on Saturdays and Sundays, their holy days. But why is Friday so Special?

Friday is a huge favour and Rahmah from Allah and a sign of His Mercy for human beings. We are lucky to have this blessing every week. So don't forget the importance of this blessed day because of your busy lifestyle and start preparing for Friday with love and joy and if you haven't done anything to earn Jannah during the whole week then Friday is your last chance, so go visit some one sick, get ready for Jum'ah prayers, invite some one for dinner or lunch, and don't forget to pray especially around the 'Asr time and always ask for an honorable death on the blessed day of Jumu'ah.

Of all the days of the week, the day of Juma'ah was chosen by Allah to be the greatest and the most special for Muslims. Allah has said in the Qur'an: " O you who believe! When the call for salah is made on al -Jumm'ah. hasten to the remembrance of Allah, and leave trading aside. That is better for you, if only you knew." [62:9]

Some Ahadiths about Friday:

"Whoever dies on the day of al-Jumu'ah or on its eve will be protected from the torment of the grave." (HR. Ahmad)

Subhanaallah, So why don't you pray that: Allah make Friday the day of my return to you.

As reported by Imam Bukhari, "There is an hour, on the day of al-Jumuah, during which Allah answers the prayers and supplications.

Most scholars agree that this hour is the last hour of the day, after the Salatul 'Asr, Ask of Allah in the last hour after the Asr." {HR. An-Naas'i}

And why do we get so busy around 'Asr time on Fridays and totally forget about this special hour? Shaitan makes us forget about it.

" The Final Day will only fall on al -Jumuah." {Muslim}

Yes the last day on earth will be a Friday and thats when Day of Judgement will start. Just like the first day of Earth was Friday.

" Going to Salat-ul-Jumuah is required of all male Muslims who have reached puberty." (HR.Nassa'i)

" A traveler does not have to perform Salat-ul-Jumuah." {Sahihal Jami'}

Jumuah prayer is compulsory for all adult male Muslims.

" Allah forgives the sins of the week between the al-Jumuah Salah (Prayer) and of three additional days, for whosoever goes to Salat-ul Jumuah, prays what he wills, listens until the end of Khutbah and makes shalah with the Imam " {Muslim}

What a blessing Day of Jummah is? And why we neglect it so easily every week?????

" 5 deeds when done on a day chosen by Allah (al-Jumuah) will be rewarded by Entry into Paradise:
1. Visiting the sick
2. Attending the funeral
3. Fasting a day *
(* Should be followed or preceded by another day of fasting, means fast either Thur & Fri or Fri & Sat. But never fast just on Friday. ).

4. Going to Shalatul Jumu'ah
5. And the freeing of a slave. " (Sahih Ibn Hibban)

Above mentioned good deeds have special kind of rewards when performed on the day of al-Junuah.

" Al-Jummah is the day of feast so do not fast on the day of your feast, unless you fast before it or after it."

Islam prohibits us from fasting on Al-Jum'ah alone because its an on going event of celebration, a day of Happiness for we receive special favors /rewards and Rahmah from Allah.

" The people of Jannah can not wait for the arrival of al-Jum'ah, to fill their eyes more and more with the presence of the Almighty.

For this reason al-Jum'ah has been named the day of more (increase) ." (HR.At-Tabarani)

It means people of Jannah will be waiting for the arrival of Friday very anxiously because it is the day when they will be able to see Allah SWT for the first time.

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah and Hudhayfah (may Allaah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allah SWT led those who came before us away from Friday. The Jews had Saturday, and the Christians had Sunday. Then Allaah brought us and Allaah guided us to Friday. So there is Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and thus they will follow us on the Day of Resurrection. We are the last of the people of this world but we will be the first on the Day of Resurrection, and we will be dealt with before all others.” Narrated by Muslim, 856.

Al-Nawawi said: Al-Qaadi said: The apparent meaning is that it was obligatory for them to venerate Friday but this was not stated clearly; the matter was left to their own reasoning… But they did not manage to work it out and Allaah did not guide them to it. It was enjoined clearly upon this ummah, and was not left to their own reasoning, thus they were blessed with it …

It was narrated that Musa enjoined Friday upon them and told them of its virtues, but they disputed with him and argued that Saturday was better, and it was said to him, ‘Let them be.’ Al-Qaadi said: if there had been a clear command, their arguing with him would not have been valid, rather it would have been said to him that they were going against the command. I say: it may be that that was clearly enjoined upon them but they disputed as to whether it was something they had to adhere to or they could change it to another day; they decided to change it to another day and they erred greatly thereby.
It comes as no surprise that Friday was specifically enjoined upon them and they went against that.

Al-Haafiz said: How can it be otherwise when they are the ones who said “We hear and we disobey”?

It was narrated from Aws ibn Aws that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The best of your days is Friday. On that day Adam (peace be upon him) was created; on that day he died; on that day the Trumpet will be blown and on that day all of creation will swoon. So send a great deal of blessings upon me, for your blessings will be shown to me.” They said, “O Messenger of Allaah, how will our blessings upon you be shown to you when you have turned to dust?” He said, “Allaah has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets, peace be upon them.”

Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1047; classed as saheeh by Ibn al-Qayyim in his comments on Sunan Abi Dawood, 4/273; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 925.

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best day on which the sun rises is Friday. On it Adam was created, on it he was admitted to Paradise and on it he was expelled therefrom.” (HR. by Muslim)

This hadeeth includes some of the reasons why Friday is regarded as special.

Al-Nawawi said: Al-Qaadi ‘Iyaad said: The apparent meaning is that these virtues do not mean that Friday is regarded as special because Adam was expelled on a Friday and the Hour will begin on a Friday. Rather it is meant to explain what momentous events took place and will take place on this day, so that people will make the most of this day to do righteous deeds, so as to attain the mercy of Allaah and ward off His punishment.

This is the view of al-Qaadi. Abu Bakr ibn al-‘Arabi said in his book al-Ahwadhi fi Sharh al-Tirmidhi: All of these events are good and add to the virtue of Friday. The expulsion of Adam from Paradise is the reason why his offspring and the Messengers, the Prophets, the righteous and the awliya’ exist. He was not expelled from it as such, but rather it was for a purpose, then he will return to it. With regard to the Hour beginning on a Friday, the reason is so that the reward may be hastened for the Prophets, believers in truth, awliya’ and others, and their honour and high status may be made manifest. This hadeeth points to the virtues of Friday and its high status in relation to the other days.

It was narrated that Abu Lubaabah ibn ‘Abd al-Mundhir said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Friday is the master of days, and the greatest of them before Allah SWT. It is greater before Allaah than the day of al-Adha and the day of al-Fitr. It has five characteristics: on this day Allaah created Adam, on it He sent Adam down to the earth, on it Allaah caused Adam to die, on it there is a time when a person does not ask Allaah for anything but He gives it to him, so long as he does not ask for anything haraam, and on it the Hour will begin. There is no angel who is close to Allaah, no heaven, no earth, no wind, no mountain and no sea that does not fear Friday.”

Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 1084; classed as hasan by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 2279

Al-Sanadi said: “They fear Friday” means they fear the onset of the Hour. This indicates that all created beings are aware of the days and they know that the Day of Resurrection will come on a Friday.

Therefore The virtues of this day include the following:

(1) On it is Salaat al-Jumu’ah (Friday prayer), which is the best of prayer.
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” [QS. al-Jumu’ah 62:9]

Muslim (233) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The five daily prayers and from one Jum’ah to the next is an expiation for whatever sins come in between them, so long as one does not commit a major sin.”

(2) Praying Fajr in congregation on Fridays is the best prayer that the Muslim can pray during the week.

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best prayer before Allaah is Fajr prayer on Friday in congregation.”
Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Eemaan; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 1119
One of the special features of Fajr prayer on Friday is that it is Sunnah to recite Soorat al-Sajdah in the first rak’ah and Soorat al-Insaan in the second.

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to recite in Fajr prayer in Fridays Alif-Laam-Meem Tanzeel (Soorat al-Sajdah) in the first rak’ah and Hal ata ‘ala’l-insaan heenun min al-dahr lam yakun shay’an madhkooran (Soorat al-Insaan) in the second. (HR. al-Bukhaari, 851; Muslim, 880.)

Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said: It was said that the reason why these two soorahs are recited is because they mention the creation of Adam and what will happen on the Day of Resurrection, because that will come to pass on a Friday.

(3) Whoever dies during the day or night of Friday, Allaah will protect him from the trial of the grave.

It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no Muslim who dies during the day of Friday or the night of Friday but Allaah will protect him from the trial of the grave.” (HR. al-Tirmidhi, 1074; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Ahkaam al-Janaa’iz, p. 49, 50

A little about the History of Friday:

Al-Jummah used to be called "Urubah". It was later renamed to "Al-Jumuah", which in Arabic means "the day of gathering" because the body of Adam (a.s) was gathered (created) on this day.
Allah guided all Muslims to hold their gatherings on Jumuah before and after the Hijrah.

Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "Those before us were misled from al-Jumuah. The Jews had Saturday and the Christians had Sunday.Then Allah guided us to al-Jumuah, preceding Saturday and Sunday, as will be the case with the Muslims on the Final Day, when they will precede the Jews and Christians.

We are the last of the People in the world and the first to be dealt with on the day of Judgement." (Muslim)

Meaning: Their cases will be settled first in the court of Allah SWT and non believers will have to wait and bear the hardships of the Day of Judgement for a very long time.

Now after having read so many Ahadeeths (saying of the Prophet s.a.w ) are you able to realize how very important is the day of Friday and how blessed we are to have it. And it would such a shame to pass this day with out giving much thought.
Friday prayers are mandatory for Muslims. Muslims prepare for Friday prayers like its a day of Eid or great Happiness. A happiness so profound that Jews and Christians cant even imagine on Saturdays and Sundays, their holy days. But why is Friday so Special?

Friday is a huge favour and Rahmah from Allah and a sign of His Mercy for human beings. We are lucky to have this blessing every week. So don't forget the importance of this blessed day because of your busy lifestyle and start preparing for Friday with love and joy and if you haven't done anything to earn Jannah during the whole week then Friday is your last chance, so go visit some one sick, get ready for Jum'ah prayers, invite some one for dinner or lunch, and don't forget to pray especially around the 'Asr time and always ask for an honorable death on the blessed day of Jumu'ah.

Of all the days of the week, the day of Juma'ah was chosen by Allah to be the greatest and the most special for Muslims. Allah has said in the Qur'an: " O you who believe! When the call for salah is made on al -Jumm'ah. hasten to the remembrance of Allah, and leave trading aside. That is better for you, if only you knew." [62:9]

Some Ahadiths about Friday:

"Whoever dies on the day of al-Jumu'ah or on its eve will be protected from the torment of the grave." (HR. Ahmad)

Subhanaallah, So why don't you pray that: Allah make Friday the day of my return to you.

As reported by Imam Bukhari, "There is an hour, on the day of al-Jumuah, during which Allah answers the prayers and supplications.

Most scholars agree that this hour is the last hour of the day, after the Salatul 'Asr, Ask of Allah in the last hour after the Asr." {HR. An-Naas'i}

And why do we get so busy around 'Asr time on Fridays and totally forget about this special hour? Shaitan makes us forget about it.

" The Final Day will only fall on al -Jumuah." {Muslim}

Yes the last day on earth will be a Friday and thats when Day of Judgement will start. Just like the first day of Earth was Friday.

" Going to Salat-ul-Jumuah is required of all male Muslims who have reached puberty." (HR.Nassa'i)

" A traveler does not have to perform Salat-ul-Jumuah." {Sahihal Jami'}

Jumuah prayer is compulsory for all adult male Muslims.

" Allah forgives the sins of the week between the al-Jumuah Salah (Prayer) and of three additional days, for whosoever goes to Salat-ul Jumuah, prays what he wills, listens until the end of Khutbah and makes shalah with the Imam " {Muslim}

What a blessing Day of Jummah is? And why we neglect it so easily every week?????

" 5 deeds when done on a day chosen by Allah (al-Jumuah) will be rewarded by Entry into Paradise:
1. Visiting the sick
2. Attending the funeral
3. Fasting a day *
(* Should be followed or preceded by another day of fasting, means fast either Thur & Fri or Fri & Sat. But never fast just on Friday. ).

4. Going to Shalatul Jumu'ah
5. And the freeing of a slave. " (Sahih Ibn Hibban)

Above mentioned good deeds have special kind of rewards when performed on the day of al-Junuah.

" Al-Jummah is the day of feast so do not fast on the day of your feast, unless you fast before it or after it."

Islam prohibits us from fasting on Al-Jum'ah alone because its an on going event of celebration, a day of Happiness for we receive special favors /rewards and Rahmah from Allah.

" The people of Jannah can not wait for the arrival of al-Jum'ah, to fill their eyes more and more with the presence of the Almighty.

For this reason al-Jum'ah has been named the day of more (increase) ." (HR.At-Tabarani)

It means people of Jannah will be waiting for the arrival of Friday very anxiously because it is the day when they will be able to see Allah SWT for the first time.

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah and Hudhayfah (may Allaah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allah SWT led those who came before us away from Friday. The Jews had Saturday, and the Christians had Sunday. Then Allaah brought us and Allaah guided us to Friday. So there is Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and thus they will follow us on the Day of Resurrection. We are the last of the people of this world but we will be the first on the Day of Resurrection, and we will be dealt with before all others.” Narrated by Muslim, 856.

Al-Nawawi said: Al-Qaadi said: The apparent meaning is that it was obligatory for them to venerate Friday but this was not stated clearly; the matter was left to their own reasoning… But they did not manage to work it out and Allaah did not guide them to it. It was enjoined clearly upon this ummah, and was not left to their own reasoning, thus they were blessed with it …

It was narrated that Musa enjoined Friday upon them and told them of its virtues, but they disputed with him and argued that Saturday was better, and it was said to him, ‘Let them be.’ Al-Qaadi said: if there had been a clear command, their arguing with him would not have been valid, rather it would have been said to him that they were going against the command. I say: it may be that that was clearly enjoined upon them but they disputed as to whether it was something they had to adhere to or they could change it to another day; they decided to change it to another day and they erred greatly thereby.
It comes as no surprise that Friday was specifically enjoined upon them and they went against that.

Al-Haafiz said: How can it be otherwise when they are the ones who said “We hear and we disobey”?

It was narrated from Aws ibn Aws that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The best of your days is Friday. On that day Adam (peace be upon him) was created; on that day he died; on that day the Trumpet will be blown and on that day all of creation will swoon. So send a great deal of blessings upon me, for your blessings will be shown to me.” They said, “O Messenger of Allaah, how will our blessings upon you be shown to you when you have turned to dust?” He said, “Allaah has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets, peace be upon them.”

Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1047; classed as saheeh by Ibn al-Qayyim in his comments on Sunan Abi Dawood, 4/273; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 925.

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best day on which the sun rises is Friday. On it Adam was created, on it he was admitted to Paradise and on it he was expelled therefrom.” (HR. by Muslim)

This hadeeth includes some of the reasons why Friday is regarded as special.

Al-Nawawi said: Al-Qaadi ‘Iyaad said: The apparent meaning is that these virtues do not mean that Friday is regarded as special because Adam was expelled on a Friday and the Hour will begin on a Friday. Rather it is meant to explain what momentous events took place and will take place on this day, so that people will make the most of this day to do righteous deeds, so as to attain the mercy of Allaah and ward off His punishment.

This is the view of al-Qaadi. Abu Bakr ibn al-‘Arabi said in his book al-Ahwadhi fi Sharh al-Tirmidhi: All of these events are good and add to the virtue of Friday. The expulsion of Adam from Paradise is the reason why his offspring and the Messengers, the Prophets, the righteous and the awliya’ exist. He was not expelled from it as such, but rather it was for a purpose, then he will return to it. With regard to the Hour beginning on a Friday, the reason is so that the reward may be hastened for the Prophets, believers in truth, awliya’ and others, and their honour and high status may be made manifest. This hadeeth points to the virtues of Friday and its high status in relation to the other days.

It was narrated that Abu Lubaabah ibn ‘Abd al-Mundhir said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Friday is the master of days, and the greatest of them before Allah SWT. It is greater before Allaah than the day of al-Adha and the day of al-Fitr. It has five characteristics: on this day Allaah created Adam, on it He sent Adam down to the earth, on it Allaah caused Adam to die, on it there is a time when a person does not ask Allaah for anything but He gives it to him, so long as he does not ask for anything haraam, and on it the Hour will begin. There is no angel who is close to Allaah, no heaven, no earth, no wind, no mountain and no sea that does not fear Friday.”

Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 1084; classed as hasan by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 2279

Al-Sanadi said: “They fear Friday” means they fear the onset of the Hour. This indicates that all created beings are aware of the days and they know that the Day of Resurrection will come on a Friday.

Therefore The virtues of this day include the following:

(1) On it is Salaat al-Jumu’ah (Friday prayer), which is the best of prayer.
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” [QS. al-Jumu’ah 62:9]

Muslim (233) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The five daily prayers and from one Jum’ah to the next is an expiation for whatever sins come in between them, so long as one does not commit a major sin.”

(2) Praying Fajr in congregation on Fridays is the best prayer that the Muslim can pray during the week.

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best prayer before Allaah is Fajr prayer on Friday in congregation.”
Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Eemaan; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 1119
One of the special features of Fajr prayer on Friday is that it is Sunnah to recite Soorat al-Sajdah in the first rak’ah and Soorat al-Insaan in the second.

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to recite in Fajr prayer in Fridays Alif-Laam-Meem Tanzeel (Soorat al-Sajdah) in the first rak’ah and Hal ata ‘ala’l-insaan heenun min al-dahr lam yakun shay’an madhkooran (Soorat al-Insaan) in the second. (HR. al-Bukhaari, 851; Muslim, 880.)

Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said: It was said that the reason why these two soorahs are recited is because they mention the creation of Adam and what will happen on the Day of Resurrection, because that will come to pass on a Friday.

(3) Whoever dies during the day or night of Friday, Allaah will protect him from the trial of the grave.

It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no Muslim who dies during the day of Friday or the night of Friday but Allaah will protect him from the trial of the grave.” (HR. al-Tirmidhi, 1074; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Ahkaam al-Janaa’iz, p. 49, 50

A little about the History of Friday:

Al-Jummah used to be called "Urubah". It was later renamed to "Al-Jumuah", which in Arabic means "the day of gathering" because the body of Adam (a.s) was gathered (created) on this day.
Allah guided all Muslims to hold their gatherings on Jumuah before and after the Hijrah.

Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "Those before us were misled from al-Jumuah. The Jews had Saturday and the Christians had Sunday.Then Allah guided us to al-Jumuah, preceding Saturday and Sunday, as will be the case with the Muslims on the Final Day, when they will precede the Jews and Christians.

We are the last of the People in the world and the first to be dealt with on the day of Judgement." (Muslim)

Meaning: Their cases will be settled first in the court of Allah SWT and non believers will have to wait and bear the hardships of the Day of Judgement for a very long time.

Now after having read so many Ahadeeths (saying of the Prophet s.a.w ) are you able to realize how very important is the day of Friday and how blessed we are to have it. And it would such a shame to pass this day with out giving much thought.